My Friends Made Me Do It

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm Back

did you even miss me? Probably not! Time to catch up on the past few days.


Happy Birthday Baby Girl. Chelsea turned 15 today. We did some mother/daughter bonding in the afternoon. Lunch at the mall, shopping for some new clothes for her. She even cooperated and let me buy her real clothes and cute jeans, t shirts or flip flops! It was more than cooperating. It's like she really wanted girly stuff. I think she realized she could raid big sis' closet for much longer on those rare occasions she needed something more than her regular attire. Or... maybe she's just finally becoming a REAL teenage girl. WHO knows! She's been acting like one for years...just not really dressing like one and surely not enjoying shopping like one. After the mall we did nails and pedicures then rushed home to get ready for dinner. Had a lovely meal at yummy Italian restaurant in Dallas. Notice the girls were all wearing black and was I. We got quite a chuckle out of this when it was time to leave the house. It was not planned. No one had a clue what anyone else was putting on for dinner! Obviously everyone got my memo via ESP

After dinner came the good part...opening the gifts. The highlight was the new digital camera.

Headed north early that morning to take Brooke to orientation/registration at Oklahoma State University .... my alma mater. That felt kind of strange. Living in Texas all these years I just never imagined one of my kids would end up going there.When we first arrived we stopped on campus to hit the stores and stock up on OSU gear for her. I had to get me a T shirt too. Had a hard time deciding if I "needed" a regular OSU shirt, an alumni shirt, or an OSU mom shirt. The mom shirt won out. I had to walk the campus then ...Nostalgia you know. It was hot. Decided to get back in the car and "do" most of the tour of the campus by car. Since it was summer the streets through campus were open so it was possible. It's really grown. My first apartment there is still standing and appears to be in use but instead of being across from campus like it used to be it's literally IN the parking lot of the new stadium...practically bumped up against it! The real surprise is that my old house is still standing. That "shack" had to have been 50 yrs old when I moved in there 32 yrs ago. All the houses on that block were still there. Goes to show college kids will live in anything! I paid $80 a month. wonder what the rent is now? Once Brooke's future roomie's family got into town we met up at the hotel and then headed back out for me to give them a campus tour. This time I took a few pics of the girls and of the campus. OK, it's not letting me upload any more pictures. I'll try getting them up again tomorrow.


Blogger Pam said...

Hey - "I" missed you! Looks like another fun birthday for you & your family. Nice shots of them.
THREE in college at the same time? What were we thinking having these kids so close? LOL!

12:05 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Mau said...

wow, chelsea is 15? how did that even happen? wasn't she just 11 last week?
great job on the black and white. wish mine would coordinate now and then!

7:48 PM  

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