In Need Of A College Kid Fix
Yes, I admit there are days I really miss them. In fact if all of them wouldn't be cruising this way within the next couple of weeks I'd be making a trip either north or south to annoy whoever could work me into their busy schedules. Sometimes 4 hrs away just seems too far. At least Brooke is still in freahman mode and calls almost every day. I love that. Val is way beyond that now and even though Britt called alot for the first two years away it seems she's backing off now on the need to tell mom everything. Damn! LOL
I'm trying to gear myself up into HS football mode. First home game is tonight...go Mustangs! Can you feel the excitement? Not hardly, huh? Chels will be performing so I'll be there least until after half time. Next week Val should be home and I might get her to go with me. It's the annual Bob/Sue dance. David has to do a father daughter dance with Chels. Their practices start tomorrow. Should be funny. Too bad I won't really be able to get pictures I'm sure. The Sophomores and their dads are on the back row...don't make it to the front till your senior yr.
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FYI I love that book you made those kiddos!
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