My Friends Made Me Do It

Monday, August 28, 2006

Guess I Should Blog

OK, so maybe I shouldn't fuss at you girls for not blogging regularly. I've just not been in much of a blogging mood myself recently. Could be because things have slowed down and we are into our school mode and nothing's going on. It's pretty quiet around here with only Chelsea left at home. I am adjusting to having to get up early and get her to school before 7 AM. That also means I'm going to bed earlier.

I did scrap the other day. This one is pretty much an Elsie case (but with a Gayla touch here and there). I bought her book in hopes it would inspire me to scrap more. I've done this one layout....ummm, not so good, huh? I'll get back into scrap mode...just you wait and see. Right now I'm in more of a cleaning/decorating/reorganizing mode. This happens when another fledgling leaves the nest I've noticed. Part of the reclaiming lost space ritual I think. It comes sooner with each "bird" that takes flight. With Val I couldn't ever do it till we moved ..her room at the old house stayed just the way she left it. When Britt left it took about a year to turn her room into more of a guest room and now with Brooke...well, school has been in session for a week now.... I've not actually started the transformation up there yet but it's on my mind! LOL

The "new" has worn off of school for Brooke already. She loves it "there" but hates going to classes. oh great! Only time will tell if she's back home by the end of the semester or not! The free ride is over if your grades aren't good baby!

Val and Britt are in the middle of fall recruitment for their sororities plus school has just started for them. They are time to talk to mom for sure. At least Brooke is calling a couple of times a day. That will continue for a little while longer I imagine. Homesick or bored? Never really know but when they are freshman you talk to them more than you did when they lived here I think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely understand about not feeling like blogging... so there with you!

I hope Brooke gets adjusted to school and starts to like the schoo part of it... I myself never did but it was a great party for a year! ha!

4:42 AM  
Blogger Dottie said...

hey you! i finally got you bookmarked...also on my laptop so hopefully i will be able to keep up!

7:50 PM  

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