On Becoming A Morning Person
I'm working on it. Think it's going to take some time but I have no choice. School started back yesterday for Chelsea but this morning was the first day of what will be the normal school day routine. We have to leave the house by 6:45 since she has drill team practice before school instead of after. So far today I've managed to pretty much waste over two hrs waking up. It's not been a total waste. I did get Chels to school on time, fill up the car with gas, stop for my mocha, rescue the cat two times from Gizmo who seems to be in a really bad cat chasing mode today. Extremely annoying I might add. At least he's had his daily exercise and is probably ready for breakfast and a nap. I, on the other hand, have to get a move on...hit that shower and get out to run some errands. There's plenty of really fun stuff (cough cough) in the chores department that needs to be done around here too. Gotta love the life of a SAHM .... it's all bon bons and soap operas...NOT!
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