Stalking The Post Man
Just another sign of how impatient I am. I've been out twice...still no mail. What's coming that's so important? Brooke's dorm room assignment. First batch of notices were mailed out Monday and the second on Wednesday. Afraid we are in the second bath since it didn't come yesterday. I know this because a girl that Brooke knows got her assignment via e-mail. WHAT? It wasn't an option to have it delivered that way! I'm thinking she just has a resident assistant that likes to send out mass mailings. She's all excited because she got new housing.....suite style. At first Kim and Brooke wanted this of course until I talked them out of it. Val and Britt have both lived in that style and it's just not good for freshman. Britt had it her freshman year and she barely knew her suitemates. They did not use their common area for anything more than microwaving. the area was never even decorated. It was a perfect arrangement for Val and Linz the year they moved into that dorm. They did decorate and use their living room... they requested and lived on the same floor with a number of their friends. They had a good time in that dorm. Britt on the other hand just slept there...never even met her neighbors. So.... I showed Brooke and Kim where on campus those new dorms were...mentioned to them that there was no food anywhere close...they would have to walk to eat. I just hate that they are setting up the new dorms this way. It forces the kids to live on junk...not that campus food isn't pretty much all junk anyway but.... The dorms I talked them into requesting are all old ones more on central campus. First choice was a really old one that has been converted into suites. Lots of the athletes stay there and it's very popular we hear. It has the best food options on campus including a coffee house. Not likely they will get that. The second and third are old fashioned traditional dorms. The best for freshman.... in fact, they house freshman almost exclusively. The one I hope they get is a boys high rise and a girls high rise connected by a lobby. It had two huge cafeterias back in the days when I was there. Those have been converted in food courts now. About the only place on campus where you can actually get food till 4 AM. LOL. That was the selling point for the girls.
Oh well, we should know soon.
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