My Friends Made Me Do It

Sunday, July 23, 2006

It's Always Something

Isn't it? Today's fiasco was the downstairs air conditioner going out AGAIN! In May the compressor had to be replaced. This time I can tell it's coming on but the bottom line cold air coming out. It appears the fan isn't coming on. I've made the call but on a Sunday you don't really get any answers. Hopefully they will call me back tomorrow morning. It sucks having to go through the homeowner's insurance BUT it would suck more having to pay for the repairs. I GUESS! When it comes to air conditioning in Texas that is questionable. The good news is that we had a cold front move in so the temps are only in the low 90s instead of 105 like it was last week. My upstairs air conditioner can keep the house pretty cool. The exceptions are my bedroom and Britt's. Won't need her room till this Friday so I'm really hoping it will be fixed by then. If it's going to take time then I might have to go buy a window unit or two! LOL

Until I figured out the air wasn't working down here I was caught up in my OCD. I wish my condition carried over in a productive way like cleaning but that's not the case. I only get that way about stuff that's not that important. Currently I'm obsessing over how to fit my third child's wardrobe into her dorm room. The container store has become my best friend. I only seem to do this when a child moves away fro the first time and the dorm room situation is an unknown to me .... or them. It never bothered me when Val changed from dorm to dorm..each time it was moving up to more room. When Britt started she was moving into the same dorm with Val so we knew what she needed and how much room she had. But with's a big unknown. I know the dorm and what the rooms were like 30 yrs ago but they have chopped them up into suites now. I've looked at the video tour of the rooms online and they don't show me as much as I'd like to know. Seriously...who shot the footage...a man obviously! Show us the closet space and just how much storage there really is in that bathroom. And really, there's a great architectural department there yet I'm sure those floor plans are not drawn to scale. AND, they don't even give you the room dimensions or the window measurements.

Speaking of OCD. My dog is that way over new toys. Not all of them but when I get one he really likes he gets weirder than he usually is. What possessed me to think he needed a new toy yesterday I don't know. He's picky so I have to really search for something I think he will like. It's got to be small, latex, preferably orange or yellow/with orange and it's a big plus if it's got one end at least that is sort of ball shaped...oh and it's even a bigger plus if it's "spiny". I did good I guess. This one is a spiny pacifier with a ring "handle" on one end. If I shake it by that ring it makes a funny fast squeaking sound. Since he got it yesterday it has never left his side...most of the time it's been in his mouth except when he's making me throw it repeatedly. He's barely eaten since he got it!


Blogger Dottie said...

so, what's OCD?????? occasional crash diet? over-compensating disease?

4:34 PM  

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