My Friends Made Me Do It

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I Should Be Scrapping

ah, but I'm having trouble getting motivated this week. It's spring break here so we are in relax mode. I'm usually as regular as clockwork with my 7 AM arrival at Starbucks but not this week. I'm sure they are about to send out a search and rescue team in search of me by the time I wonder in around 10:30 or 11:00. I don't adjust well to DST anyway so after a break where I've been able to sleep late next week is going to be a killer for me. Chels has been in chill mode this week for sure too..... don't think she's gotten out of pjs so far. At least I do get dressed!

Britt surprised us with a couple of days home over her spring break. Since she went to Vegas over Christmas break she hadn't planned to take a spring break trip. That didn't last long...the boyfriend is on a guys trip down in Panama SHE'S just going to sit home and do nothing...not likely. She came home for a little R&R (and shopping) and today she is off with some girlfriends to New Orleans for a couple of days and then down to another friend's beach house for a couple more days.

Val opted for no spring break trip. Her internship is kicking her butt so she's staying in San Marcos and working this week so she can get lots of those hours logged in while she's not keeping the twins or having to go to classes.

Brooke doesn't have spring break till next week. She will stop by here for a couple of days then head down to Padre with her girls and then back here for a few more days so she can work and replenish her bank account.

I am being lazy as you can tell. It's time to start on the Vegas albums for Britt and her best friend however I'm just having trouble getting started. It could be because I've never been to Vegas myself. It will not ever get finished if I don't start though.Well, enough rambling. I need to get back in my habit of updating this thing with my boring everyday ramblings.