Tag, I'm It
Thanks Lynne!
OK, I'm supposed to tell 5 weird things about myself or my pet and then tag 5 people. Do I have 5 readers? Not sure about that one!
OK, here goes
1) I have been trained by one small shit tzu in my attempts to train him. Anyone else have a dog that withholds peeing until he sees the deli turkey in your hand? Oh, and he won't come back inside unless we play Hansel and Gretel and I drop bits of turkey like bread crumbs.
2) I've been known to cook homemade dog food for the above mentioned dog.
3) I'm bad to buy new picture frames and then fail to put pics in them for a very long time...hey those people ARE my imaginary family.
4) I kind of like the number 3 alot. I group things in threes or it doesn't "feel right to me"
5)I hate shoes ... don't like shopping for them or wearing them. Would live in flip flops year round if my toes didn't get too damn cold. Maybe as I get older and more eccentric I'll actually upgrade to sandals with socks during the winter.
OK, I'm tagging Pam, Dottie, Gretchen, Tracy, and Paula